I moved it here where no one could see it: deleted post
Once you find your deleted post, you should be able to see the info I just posted to find your deleted post. [ April 01, 2008: Message edited by: Scott Selikoff ]
marc weber wrote:You must be viewing a cached page. I can't find this topic anywhere.
To solve that, first clean out the cache from your browser. Then install a new version of your browser. Then reboot your computer. Then buy a new computer. You might have to do this two or three times before the post disappears.
I originally reported this issue 2 years ago. We spent a day working on it last year as well. I hate to raise this issue again, but this post looks like it's still here.
"We're kind of on the level of crossword puzzle writers... And no one ever goes to them and gives them an award." ~Joe Strummer sscce.org
I have deleted the post. But sometimes a deletion takes a while to propagate to the vast array of servers used at JavaRanch. If it has not been deleted by tomorrow, send an email to wereallydontcare@javawench.com