I understand all the examples you all have given me, but I still don't understand how it works in the for loop.
with ++i, I get that it increments one and then assigned, but with i++ what happens to the i while it is waiting to be incremented? Exactly when does it increment?
I guess what I am asking is, with i++, when this statement is executed, what happens next? For example, as with my previous example:
when it comes to i++ statement, what happens directly after that? Does i get printout out as 1, or does it get evaluated again?
And when it comes to ++i, I know that i instantly becomes 2, but is that before it has printed out the number 1???
Does the print statment always happen right after the evaluation?
Maybe I'm not understanding the for loop, though I thought I did.
Can someone walk me through each action with the for loop and the i++ or ++i? I'm trying to understand WHY there is no difference in output.
Sorry, I'm such a beginner (and a dumb one, at that). If I can't get this I'm thinking of giving up the whole thing. This will be my
Thanks for any help!!