Poorna Nandam wrote:
I have deployed WAR file successfully into my project hirarchy called Bea workshop.
weblogic server by default configured.
If you deploys successfully a war file, then open a browser and type
Poorna Nandam wrote:
can i run the application using web logic server (or) do i need to run using only Apache Tomcat server.
please help on this.
If BEA is
servlet container, then it should able to run Struts project.
Poorna Nandam wrote:
Apache tomcat server is not confirured into my workshop.
while i was configuring Apache tomcat server showing error called port is already running by another process.. etc.
Hmm, its because, my guess is, because of the BEA server is already running on that port, Tomcat throws error.
Use c:>netstat -a, to find out the port process.