Hi, im doing an assignment for uni and im currently stuck on my eat() method. The assignment is to program a pacman style game.
The specific step im stuck on is:
**•The eat() method takes an item and makes it disappear. This method also adds an amount N to the player's points, where N = 1000 - distanceTravelled, and N must be no smaller than 100. After eating, this method should print out the message "yum".**
This is my coding so far:
* Write a description of class Player here.
* @Author: Ruth Duruchukwu
* @version 1.0
public class Player
// instance variables
private World world;
private Body body;
String name;
private int points, distanceTravelled;
private boolean alive;
public static final int RADIUS = 20;
* Constructor for objects of class Player
public Player()
body = new Body();
alive = true;
public void setWorld(World newWorld)
world = newWorld;
public World getWorld()
return world;
public void setBody(Body newBody)
body = newBody;
public Body getBody()
return body;
public Player (String newName)
name = newName;
public void
setName(String newName)
name = newName;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setPoints(int newPoints)
points = newPoints;
public int getPoints()
return points;
public void setDistanceTravelled(int newDistanceTravelled)
distanceTravelled = newDistanceTravelled;
public int getDistanceTravelled()
return distanceTravelled;
public boolean isAlive()
return alive;
public void setAlive(boolean newAlive)
alive = newAlive;
public void setInitialState(int x, int y, int radius)
public void moveHorizontal(int distance)
distanceTravelled += Math.abs(distance);
public void moveVertical(int distance)
distanceTravelled += Math.abs(distance);
im also using Bluej as my software, if that helps