posted 15 years ago
You didn't actually say what appserver you're using - apparently it's Tomcat. We have a Tomcat forum for questions like that where you can find Tomcat experts to help.
As far as it goes, if it's in the Tomcat webapps directory, by definition, it IS deployed. The only way to un-deploy it is by deleting the WAR/exploded WAR from that directory.
You get better control if you use the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost directory and Context xml files to manage your deployment. Have the context reference an unexploded WAR that's located outside of Tomcat.
However, in order to ensure that you don't end up with deployment to the webapps directory, you may need to configure Tomcat not to explode the WAR into webapps. This option varies depending on the version of Tomcat you're using.
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