Hello all,
I am using IIS 6 with JRun 4 as my app server, and I am having problems trying to get authentication and role authorization with Windows Integrated Authentication to work. I have set up IIS 6 to pass-through the authentication credentials to Jrun, without using an anonymous user. What I have done is written a small
test servlet that displays the username of the logged in user, and then tries to check if a user is in a test role that I set up in my database. I have specified that a roles table is to be used by specifying a JDBCLoginModule in Jrun's auth.config file. The code for the servlet is below:
1. What I am seeing is that when request.getRemoteUser() is called, the username information is what I expect it to be. It is of the form <Domain>\<Username>. When I try to redisplay the username using the request object's Principal object, the call to request.getUserPrincipal() returns null. This is a little confusing to me since I thought that essentially getRemoteUser() was a short cut for calling getUserPrincipal().getName(), and if I get something for getRemoteUser, getUserPrinicipal should return something as well. I guess they work differently at some level. Has anyone ever encountered this before?
2. When I call request.isUserInRole("Test_Role"), it returns false. I've checked the role name being called for typos in both my database and in the code, and that does not seem to be the case. I think the setup in auth.config is properly configured because I have created many other applications using declaritive FORM based authentication, and the role information was retrieved fine from the database. I would think that when I use request.isUserInRole in my servlet code it would use the same role information, but I could be wrong since this is a different type of authentication. Do you think that the reason request.isUserInRole() is returning false could be tied to the fact that request.getUserPrincipal() is returning null (even though getRemoteUser() is returning a valid username)? How does request.isUserInRole() get its user information, by using getUserPrincipal().getName() or getRemoteUser()?
Any help that is provided is appreciated. Thanks in advance.