How much
EJB 2 do you need to know in order to clear
SCEA 5? Is it necessary at all? Will we be asked about EJB 2 versions in exam Part I?
I feel a little bit confused about this.
1) You can read in EJB 3.0 specs (ejb-3_0-fr-spec-ejbcore.pdf) pag 121:
"contracts for EJB 2.1 Entity Beans with Container-Managed Persistence, and the contracts for EJB 2.1 Entity Beans with Bean-Managed Persistence" ... "are required to be supported by EJB 3.0 implementations."
2) One of the objectives (Section 4: Business Tier Technologies) says
"Explain and contrast the following persistence strategies: container-managed persistence (CMP) BMP..."
so it seems we´re expected at least to know what CMP and BMP are but " stricto sensu" they aren´t used anymore in EJB3
I´ve been working with EJB3 for a couple of years but i don´t know nearly anything about previous versions.
Do I need to read something on ejb 2? How much? Any recomended book/ article on this particular subject ? I have to study a lot yet so a brief source of information would be very appreciated not a whole book on EJB 2