I am trying to call a webservice using SSL. I generated a
test client using RAD6 which generated the code and the necessary deployment descriptors
My ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi and ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi look like this.
where ssl/MYSSL is the SSl cerificate configured int he server. This is called from a webmodule in my application.
The SSL certificate is configured correctly as I have another call using the same certificate from an
ejb module of my application which works fine.
My problem is when I am making a call to the webservice, the SSl name I have specified is not passed. On looking at the server traces, I see that the default SSl setting is being passed; not the one I have set in the descriptor.
In my application logs, I get an error:
WSWS3713E: Connection to the remote host xxx.yyy.yyy.com failed.Received the following error: Handshake terminated SSL engine: CLOSED
Can any of you please look at this and let me know if I am missing something.
Please let me know if you need any more information.