Cameron Wallace McKenzie wrote:Which plugin are you adding? Usually just extracting the associated zip file into the plugins directory does the trick.
The plugin itself usually comes with a readme.txt file that describes the installation process. Is there one in the zip file?
-Cameron McKenzie
SJCP 1.4<br />SCWCD 1.4<br />SCEA
SJCP 1.4<br />SCWCD 1.4<br />SCEA
SJCP 1.4<br />SCWCD 1.4<br />SCEA
SJCP 1.4<br />SCWCD 1.4<br />SCEA
Ramesh Tumma wrote:Rahul,
Can you please let me know the URL to download Maven2 plug in for RAD7.5. I know the update site only, When i try to install Maven2 plugin using this site, i am receiving the following error.
No repository found at
Error reading update site
Connection refused: connect
Do we need to change any settings in RAD7.5 or is it becuase of firewall protection. I am able to download anything in my network.Kindly anybody help me out
Martin Carlsen wrote:I also had the problem Ramesh mentions.
I tried with and then I didnt get the "no repository found message", so it seems to get installed.
However I don't get the Maven menu options in the SVN repository view. I.e. "Check out as Maven project".
Does anyone know why this works in eclipse, but not in RAD? Am I missing something?
Manfred Schürhoff wrote:Hi,
I was running into the same problem and found a solution. Check out this site: Here you can read:
If you are using RAD/RSA 7.5, install the "Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit" under the most recent version of "GEF SDK" using the update site before you install m2eclipse.
After installing the GEF plugin, restart RAD, then install m2eclipse plugin (only select the Required component).
If you still get some errors ("No repository found.....") when installing the m2eclipse plugin, check your proxy settings (if any).
It may also help to restart RAD again or to remove and then add the m2eclipse URL ( again.
This did the trick for me.
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