can the creator/programmer of software change the software license in his/her application?
it seems weird that every version you release of your software would be perpetually bound
to the same license.
i have a small program - VERY FEW maybe 5 or less people ever downloaded it. After much work on the code
and researching licenses i found one i'd like to use that is different than the first one i selected.
probably the users of the downloads have since deleted my program but maybe a copy exists
with my poorly choice of an iinitial license (i didnt understand it very well...still dont)>
my code falls under LGPL linking exception and it is not considered a derived work.
see --
also the individual licenses in any software i use are to be left alone under their own license
and it is only my code that i make a license for.
i have epl, lgpl, apache 2.0, bsd independent binary libraries i link to from my
java code.
at the wikipedia, under each of those licenses it says - linking from code with a different license - yes (allowed)
i'd like to use bsd because it is easier for me to understand. i am not a lawyer.
thanks for helping with this question. i am working really hard to get this straightened out.