Hi All,
I have a problem with cookie.
I created the cookie with name and value upon login and It is working fine.
The problem is, after login if member clicks on a anchor it is asking to login to see that page (If the page is only for members not for public).
That should not be the case. Because member is already logged in and she can see that page without re-login.
What i found is, in the browser the
string it is using for the 'site' is example.com but not www.example.com.
if we open a page like
the browser is treating it as a new domain. that is why it is not sending the valid cookie (which created after member logged in)
How can I use the same cookie for example.com and www.example.com and
http://www.example.com and
I want to say all these are related to same domain.
Can any body help me to solve the problem.