I am unable to start the jbpm timer with duedate specified in timer tag, even tough if i have confugured the web.xml with job executor
servlet entry, Is that there is any other settings we need to do other than this.I am using
tomcat server. Please let me know if there is any other exclusive configuration settings we need to do for jbpm timer to work for tomcat.
In processdefnition.xml this is the entry i have for timer
<task-node name="Fo Officer">
<task name="FOApproval">
<assignment actor-id="FOOfficer"></assignment>
<timer name="FoTimer" duedate="2 minutes" >
<action name="RemindFOOfficer" class="org.jbpm.cashFlow.RemindFOOfficer">
<transition to="end-state1" name="reject"></transition>
<transition to="Fo Manager" name="noResponse"></transition>
<transition to="Fo Officer" name="FoTimeout"></transition>
<transition to="FoApproved" name="approve"></transition>
The code within Actionhandler is
String loopCount = (String)context.getVariable("MO_EMP_APPROVAL_LOOP_COUNTER");
} else
context.setVariable("MO_EMP_APPROVAL_LOOP_COUNTER", (new Integer((new Integer(loopCount)).intValue() + 1)).toString());
System.out.println("MO_EMP_APPROVAL_LOOP_COUNTER"+ (new Integer((new Integer(loopCount)).intValue() + 1)).toString());