When I leave this initial jsp page with the select element option items, it is with an HREF link. Would that prevent the values from the option list being stored in the request object?
I was using radio buttons to try to go to one of two pages, but I could not figure out how to do that so I changed them to two HREF links which takes me to the correct page but without the values stored in the request object. I can go back to using the radio buttons, but I could not determine how to use the value from the radio button to go to the correct following page. I understand using the action attribute of the form tag in html on the jsp page; but if I want to go to one of two different jsp pages based on a radio group value, how would I do that? Would that then enable the jsp page to store the values in the request object?
Mary Taylor wrote:I think the selection from the select options is not stored in the request when using an HREF link to go to the next jsp. Is this correct?
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