ThanKs EveryBody,
I just read the Katherine Sierra and Bert Bates, SCJP Guide, Its a great Book, My recomendations are:
- First, the book contains 10 Chapters and around 900 pages, you need to read at least 30 pages per day, if you do so continusly, you will be done in one month. But I think you will spend two months, don't extend it, two months is fair, could be less but if you spend more time, you will start to forget some details.
- Don't make the self test inmediatly after read the chapter, just continue with the next chapter, because you will spend time doing it and it woudn't be challenging, in the chapter 6, do the first 5 self test, now it would be better. Then Continue with the next 6 chapters and the others tests at the end.
- Now, start to make some mocks and any question that you think its interesting, bookmark it, answer and read the objective related to it.
- You need to score 75% or more in the mocks to be sure that you can pass the exam, no cheats, if you have done one exam many times, you need to do a new one.
- The Inquisition is a good test for Generics and Colections.
- Threads are the most dificult questions in the exam, and them would be at the end.
- The exam is 3 hours and 30 minutes aproximately, I know that you need to spend around 5 minutes per question, if you spend more time with one, just answer it, mark it, and continue. The Aplication Item questions couldnt be rewiew, if you do it, you erase your answer, so
just do it if you are sure and you have time, remember, this is only for drag and drop questions.
- You will be surprised, the chapter 10 about
java, javac, and jar's is put on the exam, so do a lot of practice with packages and compilations.
- Go to the bathroom, eat, and drink an energy drink 15 minutes before the exam.
- Good luck, and I hope you will do it if you study and practice, remember, you need to try your theorys, don't use an
IDE, use your notepad.
- Make notes with APIS content, FileWritter, NumberFormat, DateFormat,etc... Arrays and Collections utility classes.
- Also, make notes with All the Collections and Maps, uses and definitions.
Good luck and Thank you Everybody !!!