Recently I
installed an instance of Liferay 5.2.3 built in ext environment, deployed in
JBoss 5.1.0 and using Postgres database with sharding and I plan to rebuild my site and create some community pages too with various domains.
I use Ubuntu linux on my client workstation with Firefox browser.
When I read liferay portal pages (also the official home for Liferay) I see my processor consumtion is a little bit increased for my Firefox process on linux. Indeed, the problem is in the Firefox on linux, but not just. Some times ago on Windows we had memory consumtion problems, but now looks like it is solved.
I couldn't throw all the problems on the Firefox on linux, because many sites are running well with them. But with liferay sites there is something. Simply consumes more processor time.
(My client is a Dell Latitude D820 laptop with dual core processor running at 1.83GHz and it has 3.2GB ram.)
Since I know that Liferay is one of the portal with most of AJAX features, it raises me a question regarding the future direction of web2. How far we can go with them without falling in a situation that many clients will experience performance problems?
What do you think, so much AJAX stuff is the cause of the processor consumtion or something else?