Originally posted by Venkatesh Sai:
Atlantis and its mysterious legendary stories ... few say that it was a hoax by Plato to illustrate his political theories and a few other belive it!!
Although Atlantis as Plato described it most likely didn't exist, I think it likely that he based the idea on legends that have some basis in truth. One candidate is Santorini/Thira - a volcanic island which blew up, destroying most of the city. The explosion sent tidal waves out around the Mediterranean which had a devastating effect on the early civilisations in the area (in particular the Minoans). It could be that events like this, where the sea and other forces of nature destroy important settlements, are remembered in legend and get embellished into the story of Atlantis.
Many myths are probably similar - a small basis in something which actually happened, but largely exaggeration.
[ July 19, 2007: Message edited by: Dave Lenton ]