posted 15 years ago
I have a problem.
I am running PreparedStatement in batched mode, actually I am using Springs BatchSQLUpdate component.
Now i am creating a batch of about 10000 inserts / updates. However if any single of these inserts / updates fails, it gives exception with DataIntegrityViolation, BadSQLGrammer etc.
I am also maintaining a parallel cache of the values that I am using to bind the preparedstatements.
So for statement 1 in the batch, i know what values are being used.
My question is when the batch update fails, how can we identify which SQL statement, i mean which index in the batch caused the issue?
Please help me as I am stuck and need to build some robust exception handling for PreparedStatement batch loads.
Life called,so here I am.<br />Cheers<br />Niki.:-)