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Boolean mapping

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I'm using Netbeans, Glassfish V2 and MySQL 5 and the boolean map doesn't work

either if it's Boolean or boolean, always map to a TINYINT(1), I know that MySQL have a BOOLEAN type, how can I do that?

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
How do you know the boolean mapping is not working? Is there a design time error message? A runtime error message.

This mapping works fine for Boolean values on MySQL through NetBeans and Eclipse.

What's the heart of the problem?

-Cameron McKenzie
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
no, it doesn't give an error...

the problem is that in MySQL administrator I open the table and it is TINYINT(1), therefore I can put values like -1, 3, and so on
I just want to put true or false.. thats the problem, the direct acess, not the mapping, I want a BOOLEAN column

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+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
I'm wondering what would happen if you just set the data-type in MySQL to a boolean type, and then ran your code. Would Hibernate hick-up, demanding a TinyInt, or would it just run well.

Of course, it doesn't solve the mapping to database creation problem, but it would be interesting.

-Cameron McKenzie
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
MYSQL supports boolean data type. You can either use BOOL or Boolean or TINYINT(1).
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
sudha: I know that, my problem is that the toplink.ddl-generation creates a table with a TINYINT type instead my field type boolean, capiche?

I treat that field in my java code giving values true or false, and its persisted in table as 1 or 0. Everything works, but I still have to add and check operation in mysql to avoid direct insertion (I mean directly in mysql administrator for example)

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