I just read this message on mutliple wars in a single EAR and i wish you could give me solution for my problem.
Tool Used to deploy EAR : Application Server Toolkit / RAD
Server : WAS
I have an EAR and two Wars war1 and war2 inside the EAR. Each WAR has got their own web.xml. Also there is a seperate context root for both the WARs. Here the problem is after deploying the EAR i can only access the first WAR1 and all the beans are properly loaded when the
JSP page i called. In the Second WAR only the JSP page is getting loaded and bean fails to load as it always says method not found. Can you explain me what could be the problem.
In the Application.xml
I have the settings as follows
ClassLoader Mode: Parent_Last
WarClassLoader Policy : Application
Start Weight : 10
ClassLoader Mode: Parent_First
WarClassLoader Policy : this field is disabled
Start Weight : 10000
ClassLoader Mode: Parent_First
WarClassLoader Policy : this field is disabled
Start Weight : 10000
Going to Application
Application->Enterprise Applications->EAR->Class Loader
The General Properties which i have is as follows
Class Loader Order:
Option 1: Classses loaded with parent class loader first
*Option 2: Classes laoded with application class loader first - *this option is chosen**
WAR class loader policy:
Option 1: Class loader for each WAR file in application
Option 2: Single class loader for application - this option is chosen.
In the WAR class loader policy i chose the Option 1 and saw but then it is not working.
Please help me out in this problem....i am in a very urgency situation to find solution for this.
Thanks in advance.