I have a Websphere Application Server (Standalone) running on a Windows 2003 Server with an application called Autoclass as a Profile. It is connecting to a Microsoft SQL 2000 database. Changes have been made to the environment since it worked last. The changes are that the IP address and subnet mask, the Administrator's name, and the administrator password are all different. I changed them all back, but I still have the same problem. I do not know a lot about Websphere or
Java and I am having a problem connecting to the Localhost on port 9080. The adminconsole will connect and the
SOAP port is 8880. I am pasting the most recent SystemOut.log portion for the last start.
************ Start Display Current Environment ************
WebSphere Platform 6.0 [ND cf310840.03] running with process name tind25015Node01Cell\tind25015AutoClass\server1 and process id 2608
Host Operating System is Windows 2003, version 5.2
Java version = J2RE 1.4.2 IBM Windows 32 build cn142-20050609 (JIT enabled: jitc), Java Compiler = jitc, Java VM name = Classic VM
was.install.root = E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
user.install.root = E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/profiles/AutoClass
Java Home = E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre
ws.ext.dirs = E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/java/lib;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/profiles/AutoClass/classes;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/classes;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/lib;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/installedChannels;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/ext;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/web/help;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/deploytool/itp/plugins/com.ibm.etools.ejbdeploy/runtime
Classpath = E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/profiles/AutoClass/properties;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/properties;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/bootstrap.jar;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/j2ee.jar;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/lmproxy.jar;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/urlprotocols.jar
Java Library path = E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\bin;E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre\bin;E:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
************* End Display Current Environment *************
[6/18/09 12:09:18:406 EDT] 0000000a ManagerAdmin I TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is *=info.
[6/18/09 12:09:19:000 EDT] 0000000a AdminInitiali A ADMN0015I: The administration service is initialized.
[6/18/09 12:09:20:344 EDT] 0000000a SystemOut O PLGC0057I: Plug-in configuration service is started successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:20:547 EDT] 0000000a PMIImpl A PMON1001I: PMI is enabled
[6/18/09 12:09:21:031 EDT] 0000000a SibMessage I [:] CWSIU0000I: Release: WAS602.SIB Level: o0838.09
[6/18/09 12:09:21:078 EDT] 0000000a SecurityDM I SECJ0231I: The Security component's FFDC Diagnostic Module com.ibm.ws.security.core.SecurityDM registered successfully: true.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:172 EDT] 0000000a AuditServiceI A SECJ6004I: Security Auditing is disabled.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:266 EDT] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0309I: Java 2 Security is disabled.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:344 EDT] 0000000a Configuration A SECJ0215I: Successfully set JAAS login provider configuration class to com.ibm.ws.security.auth.login.Configuration.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:344 EDT] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0212I: WCCM JAAS configuration information successfully pushed to login provider class.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:359 EDT] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0240I: Security service initialization completed successfully
[6/18/09 12:09:21:594 EDT] 0000000a ObjectPoolSer I OBPL0007I: Object Pool Manager service is disabled.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:609 EDT] 0000000a J2EEServiceMa I ASYN0059I: Work Manager service initialized successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:656 EDT] 0000000a CScopeCompone I CSCP0002I: Compensation service is disabled.
[6/18/09 12:09:21:844 EDT] 0000000a SibMessage I [:] CWSID0021I: Configuration reload is enabled for bus sdm_bus.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:062 EDT] 0000000a ActivitySessi I WACS0045I: ActivitySession service is disabled.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:078 EDT] 0000000a SOAPContainer I WSWS1062I: SOAP Container Service has been initialized.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:125 EDT] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0036I: The Scheduler Service is initializing.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:156 EDT] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0037I: The Scheduler Service has been initialized.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:453 EDT] 0000000a StartUpServic I STUP0008I: The Startup Beans service is disabled.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:469 EDT] 0000000a I18nService I I18N0010I: The Internationalization service is created on server1.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:469 EDT] 0000000a I18nServiceSe I I18N0010I: The Internationalization service is disabled on server1.
[6/18/09 12:09:22:969 EDT] 0000000a CoordinatorIm I HMGR0206I: The Coordinator is an Active Coordinator for core group DefaultCoreGroup.
[6/18/09 12:09:23:000 EDT] 0000000a DCSPluginSing I HMGR0005I: The Single Server DCS Core Stack transport has been started for core group DefaultCoreGroup.
[6/18/09 12:09:23:141 EDT] 0000000a NameServerImp A NMSV0018I: Name server available on bootstrap port 2809.
[6/18/09 12:09:24:094 EDT] 0000000a JMXSoapAdapte A ADMC0013I: The SOAP connector is available at port 8880
[6/18/09 12:09:24:109 EDT] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0243I: Security service started successfully
[6/18/09 12:09:24:109 EDT] 0000000a distSecurityC I SECJ0210I: Security enabled false
[6/18/09 12:09:24:141 EDT] 0000000a J2EEServiceMa I ASYN0055I: The Work Manager service started successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:24:203 EDT] 0000000a RecoveryDirec I CWRLS0010I: Performing recovery processing for local WebSphere server (tind25015Node01Cell\tind25015AutoClass\server1).
[6/18/09 12:09:24:203 EDT] 0000000a RecoveryDirec I CWRLS0012I: All persistent services have been directed to perform recovery processing for this WebSphere server (tind25015Node01Cell\tind25015AutoClass\server1).
[6/18/09 12:09:24:219 EDT] 0000000a RecoveryDirec I CWRLS0012I: All persistent services have been directed to perform recovery processing for this WebSphere server (tind25015Node01Cell\tind25015AutoClass\server1).
[6/18/09 12:09:24:250 EDT] 00000010 RecoveryManag A WTRN0028I: Transaction service recovering 0 transactions.
[6/18/09 12:09:24:656 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding jdbcDS_CF as eis/jdbcDS_CMP
[6/18/09 12:09:24:672 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding jdbcTxDS_CF as eis/jdbcTxDS_CMP
[6/18/09 12:09:24:688 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding PlantsByWebSphere Mail Session as mail/PlantsByWebSphere
[6/18/09 12:09:24:891 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding SDMHiConnFactory as SDMHiConnFactory
[6/18/09 12:09:24:922 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding SDMLoConnFactory as SDMLoConnFactory
[6/18/09 12:09:24:938 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding SDMClustConnFactory as SDMClustConnFactory
[6/18/09 12:09:24:953 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding SDMInitConnFactory as SDMInitConnFactory
[6/18/09 12:09:25:016 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding jdbcDS as jdbcDS
[6/18/09 12:09:25:031 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding jdbcTxDS as jdbcTxDS
[6/18/09 12:09:25:047 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultEJBTimerDataSource as jdbc/DefaultEJBTimerDataSource
[6/18/09 12:09:25:125 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default_CF as eis/DefaultDatasource_CMP
[6/18/09 12:09:25:125 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding PLANTSDB_CF as eis/jdbc/PlantsByWebSphereDataSource_CMP
[6/18/09 12:09:25:203 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default Datasource as DefaultDatasource
[6/18/09 12:09:25:250 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding _tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus as jdbc/com.ibm.ws.sib/tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus
[6/18/09 12:09:25:312 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding PLANTSDB as jdbc/PlantsByWebSphereDataSource
[6/18/09 12:09:25:328 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultWorkManager as wm/default
[6/18/09 12:09:25:344 EDT] 0000000a ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding DefaultTimerManager as tm/default
[6/18/09 12:09:25:422 EDT] 0000000a TCPChannel A TCPC0001I: TCP Channel SIB_TCP_JFAP is listening on host * (IPv4) port 7276.
[6/18/09 12:09:25:438 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain InboundBasicMessaging.
[6/18/09 12:09:25:453 EDT] 0000000a TCPChannel A TCPC0001I: TCP Channel SIB_TCP_JFAP_SSL is listening on host * (IPv4) port 7286.
[6/18/09 12:09:25:469 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain InboundSecureMessaging.
[6/18/09 12:09:25:500 EDT] 0000000a SibMessage A [:] CWSIC2001I: Messaging connections are being accepted.
[6/18/09 12:09:25:516 EDT] 0000000a WorkAreaServi A ACWA0002I: WorkArea service not enabled on server1.
[6/18/09 12:09:25:969 EDT] 0000000f SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSID0016I: Messaging engine tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus is in state Joined.
[6/18/09 12:09:26:000 EDT] 00000013 SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSID0016I: Messaging engine tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus is in state Starting.
[6/18/09 12:09:26:438 EDT] 00000013 InternalGener I DSRA8203I: Database product name : DBMS:db2j
[6/18/09 12:09:26:438 EDT] 00000013 InternalGener I DSRA8204I: Database product version :
[6/18/09 12:09:26:438 EDT] 00000013 InternalGener I DSRA8205I:
JDBC driver name : Cloudscape Embedded JDBC Driver
[6/18/09 12:09:26:500 EDT] 00000013 InternalGener I DSRA8206I: JDBC driver version :
[6/18/09 12:09:27:125 EDT] 00000014 SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSIS1538I: The messaging engine, ME_UUID=7E7D9464455039EE, INC_UUID=722ab6d9f4213b55, is attempting to obtain an exclusive lock on the data store.
[6/18/09 12:09:27:172 EDT] 00000015 SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSIS1545I: A single previous owner was found in the messaging engine's data store, ME_UUID=7E7D9464455039EE, INC_UUID=728a99c3f37c6074
[6/18/09 12:09:27:266 EDT] 00000014 SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSIS1537I: The messaging engine, ME_UUID=7E7D9464455039EE, INC_UUID=722ab6d9f4213b55, has acquired an exclusive lock on the data store.
[6/18/09 12:09:28:531 EDT] 0000000a AppProfileCom I ACIN0007I: The application profiling service started successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:28:531 EDT] 0000000a SOAPAcceptorC I WSSC1019I: The SOAP Acceptor Channel has been configured.
[6/18/09 12:09:28:609 EDT] 0000000a CacheServiceI I DYNA0048I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache initialized successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:28:719 EDT] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0031I: The Scheduler Service is starting.
[6/18/09 12:09:28:719 EDT] 0000000a SchedulerServ I SCHD0001I: The Scheduler Service has started.
[6/18/09 12:09:28:969 EDT] 00000013 SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSIP0212I: messaging engine tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus on bus sdm_bus is starting to reconcile the WCCM destination and link configuration.
[6/18/09 12:09:28:969 EDT] 00000013 SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSIP0213I: messaging engine tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus on bus sdm_bus has finished reconciling the WCCM destination and link configuration.
[6/18/09 12:09:29:016 EDT] 0000000a WebContainer A SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class com.ibm.ws.jsp.webcontainerext.JSPExtensionFactory] was registered successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:29:016 EDT] 0000000a WebContainer A SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class com.ibm.ws.jsp.webcontainerext.JSPExtensionFactory] has been associated with
patterns [*.jsp *.jspx *.jsw *.jsv ].
[6/18/09 12:09:29:031 EDT] 0000000a WebContainer A SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class com.ibm.ws.jsf.extprocessor.JSFExtensionFactory] was registered successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:29:031 EDT] 0000000a WebContainer A SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class com.ibm.ws.jsf.extprocessor.JSFExtensionFactory] has been associated with patterns [""].
[6/18/09 12:09:29:078 EDT] 00000013 SibMessage I [sdm_bus:tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus] CWSID0016I: Messaging engine tind25015AutoClass.server1-sdm_bus is in state Started.
[6/18/09 12:09:30:469 EDT] 00000024 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: query
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 00000023 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: ivtApp
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 00000025 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: SamplesGallery
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 00000029 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: ManagementEJB
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 00000022 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: DefaultApplication
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 00000026 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: PlantsByWebSphere
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 0000002a ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: adminconsole
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 00000027 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: AutoClass
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 00000028 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: filetransfer
[6/18/09 12:09:30:484 EDT] 0000002b ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: SchedulerCalendars
[6/18/09 12:09:30:672 EDT] 0000002b EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start
EJB jar: Calendars.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:30:922 EDT] 00000023 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: ivtEJB.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:30:953 EDT] 00000029 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: mejb.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:30:984 EDT] 00000024 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: querybean.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:062 EDT] 00000022 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: Increment.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:250 EDT] 00000026 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: PlantsByWebSphereEJB.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:312 EDT] 00000025 WebContainer A SRVE0161I: IBM WebSphere Application Server - Web Container. Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2004
[6/18/09 12:09:31:312 EDT] 00000026 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: PlantsByWebSphereEJB.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:328 EDT] 00000025 WebContainer A SRVE0162I:
Servlet Specification Level: 2.4
[6/18/09 12:09:31:328 EDT] 00000025 WebContainer A SRVE0163I: Supported
JSP Specification Level: 2.0
[6/18/09 12:09:31:375 EDT] 00000022 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: Increment.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:375 EDT] 0000002b EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: Calendars.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:391 EDT] 00000029 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: mejb.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:391 EDT] 00000025 WebContainer A SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.extension.ExtHandshakeVHostExtensionFactory] was registered successfully.
[6/18/09 12:09:31:391 EDT] 00000024 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: querybean.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:406 EDT] 00000023 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: ivtEJB.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:31:422 EDT] 00000025 WebContainer A SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.extension.ExtHandshakeVHostExtensionFactory] has been associated with patterns [VH:_WS_EH* ].
[6/18/09 12:09:31:500 EDT] 00000025 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Gallery Menu War.
[6/18/09 12:09:31:516 EDT] 00000029 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: ManagementEJB
[6/18/09 12:09:31:516 EDT] 0000002b ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: SchedulerCalendars
[6/18/09 12:09:31:531 EDT] 00000024 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: query
[6/18/09 12:09:31:797 EDT] 00000025 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Gallery Menu War has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:31:797 EDT] 00000023 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: IVT Application.
[6/18/09 12:09:31:844 EDT] 00000023 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module IVT Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:31:844 EDT] 00000026 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: PlantsByWebSphere Web Application.
[6/18/09 12:09:31:938 EDT] 00000023 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: ivtApp
[6/18/09 12:09:31:984 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: analysis.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:000 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: analysis.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:047 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: LoginMgr.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:047 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: LoginMgr.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:062 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: ActivityWorkbench.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:078 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: ActivityWorkbench.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:125 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: ConfigMgr.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:141 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: ConfigMgr.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:172 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: ApprovalFileImportBean.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:188 EDT] 00000026 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module PlantsByWebSphere Web Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:188 EDT] 00000022 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Default Web Application.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:188 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: ApprovalFileImportBean.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:203 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: approvalQA.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:219 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: approvalQA.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:219 EDT] 00000022 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Default Web Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:234 EDT] 0000002a WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: adminconsole.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:234 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: SearchNav.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:234 EDT] 00000022 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: DefaultApplication
[6/18/09 12:09:32:250 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: SearchNav.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:266 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: classification.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:281 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: classification.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:297 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: SchemaModel.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:312 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: SchemaModel.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:406 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: export.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:422 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: export.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:438 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: message.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:453 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: message.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:32:594 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsing for [root] with value=[ERROR, R].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:594 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Level token is [ERROR].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:594 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Category root set to ERROR
[6/18/09 12:09:32:594 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsing appender named "R".
[6/18/09 12:09:32:656 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsing layout options for "R".
[6/18/09 12:09:32:672 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [[%d] %p %t %M %c:%L %r - %m%n].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:672 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: End of parsing for "R".
[6/18/09 12:09:32:688 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [file] to [sdm.log].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:688 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [maxBackupIndex] to [4].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:688 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [maxFileSize] to [1000KB].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:688 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: setFile called: sdm.log, true
[6/18/09 12:09:32:688 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: setFile ended
[6/18/09 12:09:32:688 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsed "R" options.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsing for [com.zycus.component.classifier] with value=[ERROR,CCE_Appender].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Level token is [ERROR].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Category com.zycus.component.classifier set to ERROR
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsing appender named "CCE_Appender".
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsing layout options for "CCE_Appender".
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [[%d] %p %t %x %M %c:%L %r - %m%n].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: End of parsing for "CCE_Appender".
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [maxBackupIndex] to [4].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [file] to [CCE.log].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting property [maxFileSize] to [300000KB].
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: setFile called: CCE.log, true
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: setFile ended
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Parsed "CCE_Appender" options.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Handling log4j.additivity.com.zycus.component.classifier=[false]
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Setting additivity for "com.zycus.component.classifier" to false
[6/18/09 12:09:32:703 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O log4j: Finished configuring.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:891 EDT] 0000002a ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [adminconsole] [/ibm/console] [EventInitializer]: Initialization successful.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:906 EDT] 00000027 ActivationSpe I J2CA0523I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec SDMHiLoadAS (com.ibm.ws.sib.api.jmsra.impl.JmsJcaActivationSpecImpl) and MDB Application AutoClass#message.jar#SDMHiLoadActMDB is activated.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:953 EDT] 0000002a ActionServlet I org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet init inside init....
[6/18/09 12:09:32:953 EDT] 00000027 ActivationSpe I J2CA0523I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec SDMClustAS (com.ibm.ws.sib.api.jmsra.impl.JmsJcaActivationSpecImpl) and MDB Application AutoClass#message.jar#SDMClusteringMDB is activated.
[6/18/09 12:09:32:953 EDT] 00000027 ActivationSpe I J2CA0523I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec SDMLoLoadAS (com.ibm.ws.sib.api.jmsra.impl.JmsJcaActivationSpecImpl) and MDB Application AutoClass#message.jar#SDMLoLoadActMDB is activated.
[6/18/09 12:09:33:000 EDT] 00000027 ActivationSpe I J2CA0523I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec SDMInitAS (com.ibm.ws.sib.api.jmsra.impl.JmsJcaActivationSpecImpl) and MDB Application AutoClass#message.jar#SDMInitMDB is activated.
[6/18/09 12:09:33:016 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: clustering.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:031 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: clustering.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:047 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: SupplierProcessing.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:047 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: SupplierProcessing.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:062 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: SDMHelper.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:062 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: SDMHelper.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:078 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: projectConfiguration.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:141 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: projectConfiguration.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:156 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: pkgeneratorbean.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:234 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: pkgeneratorbean.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:250 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: dictionary.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:266 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: dictionary.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:266 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: offlineWorkbench.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:33:281 EDT] 00000027 EJBContainerI I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: offlineWorkbench.jar
[6/18/09 12:09:34:125 EDT] 0000002a ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [adminconsole] [/ibm/console] [action]: Initialization successful.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:141 EDT] 0000002a ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [adminconsole] [/ibm/console] [SecureCleanup]: Initialization successful.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:141 EDT] 0000002a ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [adminconsole] [/ibm/console] [NodeSyncStatus]: Initialization successful.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:141 EDT] 0000002a VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module adminconsole has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[6/18/09 12:09:34:141 EDT] 00000028 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: WebSphere Admin File Transfer Application.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:188 EDT] 00000028 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module WebSphere Admin File Transfer Application has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[6/18/09 12:09:34:188 EDT] 00000025 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: Samples Gallery Web Application.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:188 EDT] 00000028 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: filetransfer
[6/18/09 12:09:34:234 EDT] 00000025 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module Samples Gallery Web Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:34:234 EDT] 00000026 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: PlantsByWebSphere Sample Gallery Web Application.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:234 EDT] 00000025 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: SamplesGallery
[6/18/09 12:09:34:250 EDT] 00000026 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module PlantsByWebSphere Sample Gallery Web Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:34:266 EDT] 00000027 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: sdm.war.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:266 EDT] 00000026 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: PlantsByWebSphere
[6/18/09 12:09:34:375 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O
[6/18/09 12:09:34:375 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O ***** Initiating Application Startup Process on :: Thu Jun 18 12:09:34 EDT 2009.
[6/18/09 12:09:34:375 EDT] 00000027 SystemOut O *********************************************************************************************
[6/18/09 12:09:34:609 EDT] 00000027 InternalGener I DSRA8203I: Database product name : Microsoft SQL Server
[6/18/09 12:09:34:609 EDT] 00000027 InternalGener I DSRA8204I: Database product version : Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)
May 3 2005 23:18:38
Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation
Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)
[6/18/09 12:09:34:625 EDT] 00000027 InternalGener I DSRA8205I: JDBC driver name : SQLServer
[6/18/09 12:09:34:641 EDT] 00000027 InternalGener I DSRA8206I: JDBC driver version : 3.70.48 (029621.012908.017427)
[6/18/09 12:09:34:734 EDT] 00000027 SharedPool I J2CA0086W: Shareable connection MCWrapper id 77597741 Managed connection WSRdbManagedConnectionImpl@70f87741 State:STATE_TRAN_WRAPPER_INUSE
from resource jdbcDS was used within a local transaction containment boundary.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:047 EDT] 00000027 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [AutoClass] [/sdm] [controller]: Initialization successful.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:062 EDT] 00000027 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module <null> has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:36:062 EDT] 0000002a WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: adminconsole redirector.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:109 EDT] 0000002a VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module adminconsole redirector has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:9043].
[6/18/09 12:09:36:109 EDT] 00000027 WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: jsp.war.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:125 EDT] 0000002a ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: adminconsole
[6/18/09 12:09:36:219 EDT] 00000033 SystemOut O entered executeSDMInit
[6/18/09 12:09:36:219 EDT] 00000033 SystemOut O
***** Initiating Model Loading Process....
[6/18/09 12:09:36:250 EDT] 00000027 ServletWrappe A SRVE0242I: [AutoClass] [/jsp] [ExtractAttribute]: Initialization successful.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:266 EDT] 00000027 VirtualHost I SRVE0250I: Web Module <null> has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].
[6/18/09 12:09:36:266 EDT] 00000027 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: AutoClass
[6/18/09 12:09:36:297 EDT] 0000000a TCPChannel A TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_1 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9060.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:312 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundAdmin.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:312 EDT] 0000000a TCPChannel A TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_2 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9080.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:328 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundDefault.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:328 EDT] 0000000a TCPChannel A TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_3 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9043.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:328 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundAdminSecure.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:344 EDT] 0000000a TCPChannel A TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_4 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9443.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:344 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundDefaultSecure.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:359 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain1.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:359 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:359 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain3.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:359 EDT] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain4.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:359 EDT] 00000029 SchedulerServ I SCHD0077I: The Scheduler Service is starting the Schedulers.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:375 EDT] 00000029 SchedulerServ I SCHD0078I: The Scheduler Service has completed starting the Schedulers.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:406 EDT] 0000000a RMIConnectorC A ADMC0026I: The RMI Connector is available at port 2809
[6/18/09 12:09:36:484 EDT] 0000002f WorkSpaceMana A WKSP0500I Workspace configuration consistency check is false.
[6/18/09 12:09:36:828 EDT] 0000000a WsServerImpl A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business
[6/18/09 12:09:37:047 EDT] 00000033 SystemOut O
***** Total 1 Models Loaded in Memory.
[6/18/09 12:09:37:047 EDT] 00000033 SystemOut O
[6/18/09 12:09:37:047 EDT] 00000033 SystemOut O ***** Your Server has STARTED & Application is READY TO USE.
[6/18/09 12:09:37:047 EDT] 00000033 SystemOut O ***** Server Startup Date/Time :: Thu Jun 18 12:09:37 EDT 2009.
[6/18/09 12:09:37:047 EDT] 00000033 SystemOut O *********************************************************************************************
I have been struggling with this for over a week so any help is appreciated.