Does anyone know anything about this Apress book
Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam ?
According to a review at
Amazon Customer Reviews
the book DOES NOT have anything to do with
JSF 2 features, but only JSF 1.2 . Is this true?
If that's the case, wouldn't this be unethical considering that the author and Apress are marketing it as a JSF 2 book with the promise that
Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam gets you up to speed with the new JSF 2.x API features and how they’re implemented using the latest Seam web framework. This quick–start tutorial is the fastest way to get started on JSF 2, Facelets, and Seam, and with it you’ll take the most useful features in the frameworks and apply them using best practices."
I'm interested in hearing from other readers as the book is at the top of my list for the next buy.