I have a Orace DB in India. one field is Date. This field value is inserted from a stored procudure. I mean
java code is not providing this date value.
I get the Date value in following way
1. get Result Set
2. using resultset metadata, if my datatype is timestamp (i.e. Date)
then create a new Date object.
java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = (Timestamp) date;
return new Date(timestamp.getTime());
I am displaying this data using Date.toString() with Date formatter as "EEE, MMM d 'at' HH:mm:ss z"
Problem Desc ::
When i run my application server in India
It shows me TimeZone as IST
From one week when i run my application server in EU-London
all dates from one week, Its showing TimeZone as BST (British Summer Time)
But dates before one weeks, shows in GMT
Any help ?