Hi every body ,
I am facing one peculiar problem in my App.
I am validating some textfields , radiobuttons , checkboxes by
JSF (I am using JSF 1.1) simple validation (by required "true") and showing message by h:message .But when I am pressing the SUBMIT button it will validation only radiobuttons , it is not validatinf text fields or checkboxes , after I click the radio button & again click the SUBMIT button then only it is validating other fields like text fields / check boxes .
So suppose I am submitting empty from with out click any thing , then JSF showing only the radio button's message , it is not showing all other fields.When I click only the radio button (with out click check box / filling nothing in the text field )& press the SUBMIT button then it is showing all error message in the view page .
Could any body explain me why it is happing ?
** I am validating all fields in the SUBMIT button click by this way :
in the
required field I am giving :
required="#{ not empty param['form:submit'] } here SUBMIT button's ID is submit.