Does anyone know reason for not executing javascriptlet in javascript function? I am using
struts 1.0
This code executes fine ---> value="<%=rprCode%>"
But InsertContent('<%=itrCount%>'); results in InsertContent('%=itrCount%');
itrCount has valid value and I am able to read it by assigning to hidden field as
<html:hidden name="formBean" property="rowKey"
value="itrCount" />
Any thoughts?
In my code I have following javascriptlet
name="formBean" property="rTypeArray"
value="<%=rprCode%>" onchange
<html:options collection="REPAIRTYPES" property="key"
labelProperty="value" />
That results into
<select name="rTypeArray" onchange="InsertContent
<option value="1" selected="selected">N/A</option>
<option value="2">Pre-Repair</option>
<option value="3">Post-Repair</option>