tanisha Murthy wrote:Hi Adrian
Iam planning to give SCJP 6. But I do not have any prior java experience or java knowledge. Iam looking for a good book to study. Can you please tell me one.
I definitely recommend SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide. This is the book I used to prepare for he exam. Not only it teaches you exactly what you have to learn, it does it in a pleasant manner so it goes smooth - at least it did for me
If you don't have any previous java experience take enough time to learn and do some actual coding - lots actually! If you do have previous programming experience like C# or C++ it will help you allot.
Anyhow, you have to code in Java because the exam does not test only general object-orientated concepts - it is Java focused - duh!
If you have no Java experience, a Java introductory book may come in handy. There are lots of good books examples on the forum for this .
Nitish Bangera wrote:Hello all.I will be giving my SCJP 6 exam next month in august. The books i am referring is Head first Java,Java 5 illuminated and SCJP 6 study guide. I just learning the things and have already used java in coding before. But studying sometimes really gets me confused. I have finished first 2 books and now learning the study guide 2 chaps per day. The chapters are monstrous and i really going very very slow. But still sometimes i get confused and some times jumble up the things. Please help me remember the things properly and also how to prepare in a better way.
The best thing I can say is this: in my first years at the University (Computer Science and Information technology stuff) I had a very poor start because on the exam session I used to panic as to how much material I had to learn.
I had a stack of books 3 inches high to actually learn in 2 weeks - I had the knowhow but the amount of information I had to know was huge.
The ADVICE -> NEVER LOOK AHEAD TO SEE HOW MUCH YOU HAVE TO LEARN! It can be overwhelming and you will LOOSE LOTS OF TIME actually panicking about not having enough time... So take it slow and do how much you can! It is the bast way! Plan, take it easy, and be confident! Lots of people do what you do - so if they can do it, you can do it!
Garg Sharad wrote:
Hi Adrian Bucur,
Could you please tell me how many drag and drop question was there, Because i am also planing to give SCJP 6 exam in next month.
Thanks in advance.
Lots of them. Don't recall the exact number...
jaiser roney wrote:Hi Adrian,
congratulations for clearing the exam . I m also planning to appear for SCJP 1.5 .
I very much appreciate your attitude about preparing for the exam , really it takes time to grasp concepts .
Could you tell me the difference between SCJP 1.5 and SCJP 1.6 Exam from the syllabus point of view , and also if you want to share any experience about this, that will help me .
The differences are minor! From what I know they are:
Questions concerning System.gc() have been removed.
Coverage of the java.io.Console class has been added.
Coverage of navigable collections has been added.
Several of the previous objectives have been strengthened (so you can expect more questions and more detailed questions on them). These strengthened objectives include: exception handling, collection classes and collection interfaces, assertions, threads, and flow control.
Number of questions: 310-055 = 72; 310-065 = 72
Pass score: 310-055 = 59%; 310-065 = 65%
Time limit: 310-055 = 175 minutes; 310-065 = 210 minutes
I actually didn't have any 1.6 questions :P - from what I heard there are few...