I'm having a
Pull My Hair Out problem with VideoServlet. The worst part is, I don't think it has anything directly to do with the assignment.
When I fill in the addvideo form and press submit, I get sent to the AddVideoServlet. The screen, however, is blank. When I view source, I see source that most definitely is not mine:
I guess that this is coming out of LogServlet somehow, but I cannot find it.
I am overriding doGet and doPost. The code looks the same as Reverse2Servlet in that regard (which I've passed).
I have a similar problem with ListVideoServlet. I am overriding doGet to point to doPost, but when I click the link I get an exception message instead:
I'm thinking that somehow these two are related. I have not had any problem like this working in
Servlets up til now. Can someone please help?