I guess you mean line 15 where the argument "12.0" and "0.0" would be effectively dividing by zero.
Yes, at first glance I'd expect to get some ArithemticException too. After all, that's what my calculator does.
I'm studying for the SCJP too, so we can panic together.
Right then, no "Divide by 0!" squeal from the JVM. Why?
Well, if you changed line 15 to use integers you do get an ArithmeticException. Phew! Must be something special about doubles then or more correctly, floating point arithmetic versus integer arithmetic.
Integers cannot store/represent infinity. floating points can represent positive and negative infinity.
So if you do divide by zero with integers, there's no way to return the answer; exception!
But with floating points infinity can be returned. That behaviour would appear to be the IEEE standard for floating point divide by zero and that's what Java uses.
There are probably deep mathematical reasons for treating integers and float points in such a different way.
I had to Google most of that, and I pray to the Java gods that that kind of horrible nastiness is
not on the exam!