First, validating a WSDL against the Basic Profile:
The WS-I has a command-line tool:
A more attractive alternative may be soapUI:
Eclipse also has a WSDL validator that can validate against the Basic Profile:
Second, converting a WSDL 1.1 to a WSDL 2.0 document:
Check this blog post that describes how to do it using Woden:
Third, your questions about multiple parts within a message:
It is, as far as I understand, allowed and here is the motivation:
The BP disallows multiple elements in the body of a
SOAP message, true, but if you use RPC/Literal or Document/Literal wrapped, then the multiple parts of the message will be wrapped in a wrapper and the result will be one single element (perhaps with many child elements) in the body of the SOAP message.
What section 4.4.3 talks about is when
you should use the type attribute in the <part> element and when you should use the element attribute, also in the <part> element. In short, the element attribute must always refer to a global XML schema element, while the type attribute is used to refer to XML <simpleType> or <complexType> declarations.
Best wishes!