Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Mani Ram:
Wear a masked helmet...
The average literacy rate is 80.14%, much higher than the national average of 64.5%.
Originally posted by B.Sathish:
The simplest solution for you is to come and settle down in Chennai, the spitting capital of the country. Its perfectly normal to do that here, in fact people will consider you abnormal only if you don't spit on the road in Chennai. Its impossible to walk 10 yards without seeing a spit mark on your way.
Long live Chennaites
My blood is tested +ve for Java.
Originally posted by Vishal Pandya:
Apart from the solution my question is,
Don't you face the same problem? I think you all should(must) be facing the same problem.It's very general.
I want to be like marc
Originally posted by Vishal Pandya:
And yes let me tell you that you are very good at english at least among the indians (ranchers). You don't speak indian english.Great.
Originally posted by Vishal Pandya:
I too want to stop doing this.
[ flickr ]
Originally posted by Prad Dip:
Delhi people are like that. I don't think he knows any other language.
I want to be like marc
Make yourself as serene as a flower, as a tree. And on wednesdays, as serene as this tiny ad:
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