The Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi(tm) Service Platforms project makes it easy to build Spring applications that run in an OSGi framework. A Spring application written in this way provides better separation of modules, the ability to dynamically add, remove, and update modules in a running system, the ability to deploy multiple versions of a module simultaneously (and have clients automatically bind to the appropriate one), and a dynamic service model. OSGi is a registered trademark of the OSGi Alliance. Project name is used pending approval from the OSGi Alliance.
OSGi R4 (or greater) platform
(Spring DM is tested daily against Eclipse Equinox 3.2.x, Knopflerfish 2.2.x and Apache Felix 1.x)
Spring Framework 2.5.6 or greater
[ UD: This post is copied verbatim from Please don't copy and paste text passages without attribution. ]