Am trying to retrieve the following data from the database.
The table has "SupplierID, SupplierName, SiteId, SiteName" information.
For a given supplierID, there can be more than one siteID's.
The Query is
"SELECT DISTINCT supplier_id, supplier_name, site_division_id, site_division_name FROM spend ORDER BY supplier_id"
And there are some 5000 records.
Can any one suggest me the best way to populate these values in my DTO's?
Is it fine if I use a Map to store these retrieved values -
Map with Key having the supplierDTO(which has id & name attributes) and values being a *List* of SiteDTO(with id & name attributes)'s.
As one supplier can have more than one site, I'll be searching for the supplier in the Map before inserting.
Please suggest.