I love beer. Literally.
Just check the number responses (and notice the type of responses too
) on my two threads.
Thank you fellas.
Fun apart,
Little more info about my requirement:
Action class creates charts using JFree chart and JSP access those chart images.
Following is the current setup.
At Java class:
... and at the JSP:
This setup works fine with
Tomcat as
webapps/<applicationName>/charts is accessible there. When we move this to WebSphere, not sure what needs to be changed.
you can find the file system location of the web app with ServletContext.getRealPath()
Action class calls another standard java class that creates images. I am clueless how to use
ServletContext.getRealPath there.
Update: I retrieve following paths by using
C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\bin
C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\runtimes\base_v6\profiles\default