Hmmmm. It's obviously not seeing your context definitions. Make sure you're doing the following:
1. Place the context definition file in %CATALINA_BASE%\conf\Catalina\localhost\ and make sure it's readable by whatever account Tomcat's running under.
2. Make sure that the filename extension is ".xml". Example: "mywebapp.xml". And be sure that you make that ""xml" in lower case. Although Microsoft Windows is pretty casual about upper/lower case in filenames and directories,
Java is not.
3. The format for a deployment descriptor file should be as follows:
I've included a DBCP connection pool definition in this example - it's fairly typical for me. Note that I'm not dropping my WAR file in CATALINA_BASE/webapps, I'm using an external location.
You might want to clean up the Tomcat directories just to ensure that old garbage isn't mucking up the deploy process:
1. Delete all subdirectories under CATALINA_BASE/work/Catalina/localhost/
2. Delete everything under CATALINA_BASE/temp/
3. Delete any WARS or application directories that belong to you in CATALINA_BASE/webapps/
And you might want to clean out the CATALINA_BASE/logs directory just for completeness.
Keep a spare copy of your Context file. If Tomcat decides the deployment is defective, it will delete the copy that's in CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost