SOAP Message :
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=''>
<p:Process xmlns:p=''>
<m:Envelope xmlns:m=''>
What is going to happen when a Web service (whose implementation conforms to WS-I Basic Profile 1.0a) receives the following SOAP message?
Generate a fault for the SOAP Message Process the message for the SOAP Message
What will be the answer?
Actually I'm not sure whether a soap:Header or soap:Body can have child elements which belongs to this '' namespace. Can we have an 'soap:Envelope' within 'soap:Body' or 'soap:Body' within another 'soap:Body'? Is there any restrictions on that? While searching BP rules, I only got this,
R1003 A RECEIVER MUST accept fault messages that have any number of qualified or unqualified attributes, including zero, appearing on the detail element. The namespace of qualified attributes can be anything other than "".
Is there any other restrictions like this? Please clarify.