I have created one webservice Hello.wsdl using eclipse.
It simply accepts
String name and Prints Hello <name>
I had tested that using
SOAP 3.0 UI. Application.
Now I created Client for Hello.wsdl.
It created in java.src in com.tutorial package.
Now I created one HelloTest class to
test that web service.
the webservice code of HelloTest is as follows
But I am getting following Exception...
Exception Occured ...(404)Not Found
I have following queries...
1)What's wrong with this code...
or how can i call web service from
java or
jsp code..
and 2)when i created the webservice the "wsdlsoap:address location" is of my local machine
if i want to run it on different machine then can I replace the loaclhost address with
new one i.e Client machine IP.
Please Reply.