I'm having problems to compose pages with <
jsp:include .../> on WAS, on
JBoss x
Tomcat every works fine.
I've tried a lot, but my <jsp:include page="bla.action" /> do not work in Websphere 6.1.
Everytime I get a recursive include to my home page.
If I remove the <jsp:include ...> to action and put data + include to jsp rendering the data, all works fine.
I have JAAS protecting all my actions, but this happens after I've got success login.
As I'm desperated and tried everything, now I'm trying not to use the Struts2 Filters, but one
Servlet as dispatcher to prepare and execute the actions like above:
I'm not using sitemesh, but have
struts clean up filters up and running:
When I was using FilterDispatcher, I've used FORWARD, REQUEST, INCLUDE, ERROR as dispatching, but, none works.
On my struts.xml I have something like:
Someone knows what is happening with my jsp:include *.action ?