In another
thread, you said,
Venkat Subramaniam wrote:Kalyan, I do not see each of these languages compete with each other head-on. Instead I see developers picking from a subset of languages for different layers or purposes in an application
You would then pick languages from different set depending on the need you have in the application.
You can use any particular language to build an entire application. However, once you see the language sets based on their capabilities and key benefits, it is easier to see how you would select among languages.
I'm curious about a couple of things.
1) Could you comment on where you would use a language like Python/Jython and how you feel it compares to Scala?
2) I'm an experienced developer (C/C++, lots of
Java and a little Groovy) and I'm starting on a project using Python and Django (web framework) and they seems pretty cool. Reminds me of how easy Groovy & Grails makes it to get something up quickly. I've heard Dick Wall talking about Scala and Lift and I wonder how they compare.
SCJP, SCJD, SCEA 5 "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)