posted 15 years ago
How to overide security behavior in j2me mobile application to accept self signed certitficate?
i have mobile appliaction that is a client to secured web service, it connect to that web service using SSL, so security manager of j2me check for this certificate if it is well known certificate (signed by trusted CA) or not
i try to add theses certificates to trust store and success connect to that secured web service, but if my clients wants to dowload the mobile application , the client trust store does not be effected since it does not belong to the application, it is an external entity
and if there is a way to ovride security manager in j2me application , like keyStoreManager and TrustStoreManager in desktop appliaction, what is packge name and hoe to do it
and is all mobile appliaction can access SSL connection or i need to use third party libarary?
please advice.