Hi all, I have a problem realated to javascript , ajax and
Please see this url
I am working on this form. There are some buttons (like submit , add ,edit at bottom of this page , but not visible in printscreen).
On click of a radio button on left side , form fields on right side and small table on right bottom is gettig populated. The table on right bottom , is actually the eligibility criteria associated with the record whose radio was clicked on left . On clicking radio of this record(right side) , I want to populate its values in the above text boxes present right in front of text "Eligibility".
During the whole click process (clicking the left and right radio button ) page should not get refreshed.
I am able to show records on left side by iterating over a resultset (in jsp) and able to populate field on right side also, but have no idea how to populate table on right bottom dynamically such that on click of its radio button , values gets populated on fields above.
Please tell me how to achieve this. Thanks in advance for any help.