Bosun (SCJP, SCWCD).
So much trouble in the world -- Bob Marley
application level variable, say a map
Reshma reddy wrote:Hi Swastik Dey/ Bosun
Thanks four reply,
Dey, where I need to set that value is true/false and how to check this value is true or false can you please explain me.
and bosun As I understood in your post, I need to maintain loggedin users details in map and next time any user is trying to login I need to check this in map, Please correct me.
Bosun (SCJP, SCWCD).
So much trouble in the world -- Bob Marley
Swastik Dey wrote:
application level variable, say a map
Looks good, but might lead to a memory issue if number of users are too high. Please correct me if I am going wrong.
Experience and talent are independent of age
by using sessionId's(created by container to every user)
I hava one doubt regarding maintaining session in webapplication, if the user is logined in to application and again he is opened another browser and trying to login with same credentials I need to display the trying username is already loggened in.
I want to know by using this sessionId we can achieve my problem or not ??
Experience and talent are independent of age
Himanshu Kansal wrote:
I want to know by using this sessionId we can achieve my problem or not ??
Achieve the solution to your problem, you mean! The answer to this was given by Swastik in the very first reply - No! Sessions cannot help you in this. As for a new browser new session is created.
Paul Clapham wrote:
Personally I don't even think this should be classified as a problem. To me it looks like a potentially useful feature (for the small number of users who regularly use more than one browser, that is).
Experience and talent are independent of age
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