Nikes Shah wrote:Hello friends,
I am new to Ajax development.
Can anyone tell me use of Ajax? Is it for UI development also or just for small part of data processing?
What I see on various sources is that there are various libraries available also like ext, DOJO, YUI (Yahoo User Interface), GWT (Google Web Toolkit).
Can anyone tell differences briefly among there and their purpose?
AJAX originally stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML which is a technique for downloading file with XML format from server aysnchronously without reloading the entire page. Nowadays, AJAX is not limited to download files with XML format, it also allows webbrowser downloading files with various format such as: pure text, JSON, JSONP, etc. Using the technique of AJAX, you can download a file asychronously or sychronously without reloading the webpage and changing the URL in the Address box in a webbrowser.
ext-js, DOJO and YUI are common "client-side" javascript libraries for simplifying the task in handling DOM Objects, AJAX communications and process events. They difference in their coding style, organization of code and their UI.
GWT is a
java library for developing web applications (e.g. generating HTML code and javascript functions, including AJAX functions) mainly running on "Google App Engine"