We have developed an application using
- JDK 1.4.2
- JSF 1.1 (Myfaces 1.1.6)
- Ajax4JSF 1.1.1
- Tomahawk 1.1.8
- Tiles 2.1.0
- Spring 2.5, Spring Security for security layer
- iBatis 2.0
- SQL Server 2000, DB2 8, Sybase
- IBM Websphere 6.0 - JVM memory min - 64MB, max 512MB
- IBM MQ Series 6.0
- IBM AIX UNIX, load balacing on 2 servers (Clustered environment), Each unix box has 2 CPUs
Our application uses MQ for lot of business transactions. It is dependent more on MQ than the database. Among the databases, SQL Server is the main database. DB2 and Sybase is used for few transactions.
This application is supposed to take a load of 1000 users in production and give us a response time of 10 secs.
As we started with load
testing we saw poor response time. We did profiling using Jprofiler and corrected some inherent application bugs which was causing high JVM utilization.
As we reached 250 user load, myfaces started eating memory (This was revealed by heap dump).
We tuned myfaces based on various websites and did the following:
1) State saving mechanism as "server"
2) Number of views as 3
3) Streaming resource org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.StreamingAddResource with t:documentHead
4) Set org.apache.myfaces.SERIALIZE_STATE_IN_SESSION as false.
By adding the above code, it improved the performance only a bit.
I later wrote some filters to cache the images and css files. This improved the screen load performance a bit.
But the overall response time was not to the benchmark. We were getting a response time of 20 secs for 250 user load. We are far from achieving the response time for 1000 user load.
We got the heap dump once again but we saw myfaces continued to eat memory. The object in heap that is causing the trouble is JspStateManagerImpl$SerializedViewCollection
I saw in some website that this object tries to save the old view states in some weak hashmap which nevers gets garbage collected. Thought that could be
the problem. I found a fix in the website and replaced the corrected jars. Now JspStateManagerImpl is not storing old views in weak hashmap.
This actually helped a bit. It reduced the memory utilization.
But When we run for 500 users, heap dump still shows JspStateManagerImpl object is eating (Approx 1.6MB).
I am not sure if 1.6MB size in heap is normal for 500 users!!!
I know the screen size also makes a lot of difference to give a conclusion upfront.
But let me provide more information.
On an average we use 25 components.
Each screen has selectitems drop down. The select items is inturn refered by a managed bean in session.
Apart from the above object in session, we store only 3 managed beans in session. These managed beans carry menu and user information.
JSCookmenu inturn reads the menu object in session and renders the output for every screen.
I wrote a session size calculator
jsp to find the size of each of these session objects.
They are hardly 20~30KB. But JspStateManagerImpl object in session is easily 150KB min. Sometimes it goes above 450KB.
We use tomahawk savestate to store some object information.
I should accept that we do use EL expression statements in many of our screens.
We have limited usage of datatables. But wherever we have used, we have done managed bean (in request scope) binding with preservedatamodel as true.
Wherever JSF components were not needed, we used pure HTML tags enclosed withing f:verbatim.
Each page contains atleast 4 command buttons. Each command button is supposed to call some other managed bean and render those screens.
This means apart from the main managed bean, when the screen is rendered the beans referred by these buttons are instantiated.
Of course all these managed beans are in request scope.
Most of the components in our screen use "rendered" attribute to perform some business function.
Now my question is, did I miss anything else in myfaces? Did i miss anything that could help me tune JSF further?
Our constraint is we cannot move to JDK 1.5 (which means JSF 1.2 or higher) as it will be a big infrastructre cost to our clients.
I know the problem for poor response time could also be due to database, MQ and others. We are working on them parallely.
But I want to eliminate all JSF related issues from the picture.