Brian M Smith wrote:please bare with me.
I'm looking to dynamically load different struts configuration files based on what URL is requested on Action Servlet start up. In other words for I would want to load /WEB-INF/site1-struts-config.xml, and for I would want to load /WEB-INF/site2-struts-config.xml.
Is this possible, and if so how would I go about doing this?
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
David Newton wrote:. . .(haven't used S1 in a half-decade now). . .
David Newton wrote:There's no reason common functionality can't be put into jars, and quite a bit can be done to split things up/pull things together during the build process.
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
Sagar Rohankar wrote:Frankly speaking, I haven't understood what you guys talking about. The SAP and multiple code base is never-heard thing to me. I'm simple developer with maintaing a single simple site
I gotta leran the web application complexity.
Brian M Smith wrote:What I'm trying to do is set up a development environment where I can try to share struts configuration files between multiple applications without having to create separate configuration files for every site.
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
David Newton wrote:Copy-paste == bad.
I threaten to remove the ctrl-V keys, menu options, etc. on all my developers.
[LEARNING bLOG] | [Freelance Web Designer] | [and "Rohan" is part of my surname]
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