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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Bear Bibeault wrote:My opinion: lame. And potentially damaging. I'm not sure what the tech community is like down your way, but here in Austin, it's very close-knit and pulling a stunt like this could very well nix your chances of landing a job anywhere.
This approach can be a valid strategy, albeit a high risk one. In an ocean of corporate blandness, sometimes it can be a way of differentiating yourself from the crowd - I have had good outcomes in the past. It's high risk though because you can never know who will be the first person to see it and how they will react.
It is a good object lesson in how companies can say one thing and mean something completely different. My experience is that most companies who advertise for "innovators, free thinkers, self-starters, risk takers" run a mile when confronted by this kind of thing - somebody actually taking a real risk.
Rupert Brown wrote:T My experience is that most companies who advertise for "innovators, free thinkers, self-starters, risk takers" run a mile when confronted by this kind of thing - somebody actually taking a real risk.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Henry Wong wrote:FTL travel.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:
Henry Wong wrote:FTL travel.
FTL = faster than light?
Software Surgeon
Rupert Brown wrote:You might enjoy this - I recently applied for a job with a company called ThoughtWorks in Australia. I don't need a job just yet (you never know these days), but they were advertising, so I stuck an application in. But because I'm not desperate I just thought I'd test them out - see if they had any sense of humour. So I put in a sensible cover letter, and then the one below. The outcome - rejected straight away. An e-mail came back in two days. So either my CV just isn't what they wanted at all, or they really didn't appreciate the letter.
But give me some feedback - is the following lame or humorous?
I am a Java tragic. I need to be with my own people.
I was working on a JTree recently. I wanted custom tree icons that could change colour in response to user preferences. I created BufferedImages and drew the icons in the chosen colour, then added them to the tree. There was no real reason to do this – it just felt like the right thing to do and makes the interface more appealing.
Male friends say things to me like “Let’s go off to the High Country this weekend, shoot some deer!” I say “Next weekend – I’m extending a JPanel tomorrow, and applying GridBagLayout.” They look at me then change the subject.
A few years ago I wrote a book on three things I believe to be very important – software, quality and lunch. I’m sure that one day this book will get published, even though it never will be. It’s 140,000 words long. I wrote it anyway.
I have never used a GUI builder – I live on the Java2D api. I know what the JavaRanch is. I put myself through and passed the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam, but that wasn’t enough. I’m now doing the developer’s exam. I write letters to my mother using NetBeans, then compile them. I have two operating systems at home. I bought my daughters soft Duke toys. I don’t have a problem with the idea of controlling 500 tonnes of highly explosive rocket fuel using software. I wrote my first program using punched cards. I’ve moved on from aircraft avionics – I’m currently working on the systems display for a “faster than light” ship. I believe the best tools to use for GUI design are coloured pencils, my cat is called Orlando javac jax, and the only thing better than a new jdk is a bottle of Main Ridge Pinot Meunier.
I am a Java tragic. I need to be with my own people.
What's gotten into you? Could it be this tiny ad?
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater