Hi All,
I also just started HeadFirst
EJB and after reading chapter 2, i thought of accessing the stub/skeleton classes for the Advice application discussed in chapter 1.
I was getting some error while running RI server, so now I am using Sun Java™ System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 to run the examples. (Though I think SJSAS is the enhanced version of RI, and after that there is GlassFish, correct me if I am wrong)
While deploying the EJB I selected to generate the Client Jar for the Advice application.
Now, this client jar should contain stub also right, apart from interfaces.
I first deployed (using deploytool) after creating the enterprise bean, and then I again deployed after creating the Client.
Here is the content of that AdviceAppClient.jar.
>jar -tvf AdviceAppClient.jar
182 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 Advice.class
960 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 AdviceBean.class
203 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 AdviceHome.class
194 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 META-INF/sun-j2ee-ri.project
1186 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 ejb-jar-ic.jar
851 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 AdviceClient.class
1056 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 app-client-ic.jar
173 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
477 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 META-INF/application.xml
354 Wed Sep 16 05:53:28 IST 2009 META-INF/sun-application.xml
My doubts are:
1. How AdviceBean.class comes into this jar. It should not right?
2. Where are the stubs?
I searched on google abit about it, which says that now AS can create stubs/skeleton dynamically.
Is my server also doing the same or I am missing something?
Thanks in advance.