Hi, ranchers!
Today I have passed the SCWCD 5 exam with 94% score. I've been preparing to it during two months. Here are my main sources of sutudying:
Sun Certified Web Component Developer Study Guide (By D.Bridgewater)
Head First: Servlets and JSP
SCWCD Exam Study Kit Second Edition (By H.Deshmukh) (only quick prep notes)
Enthuware JWeb Plus simulator - this is the best simulator I ever used!!!
JavaRanch SCWCD forum - It was enough to read many previous forum threads to clarify the most difficult topics even without posting my own questions.
Thank all of you, guys, for helpful advices on the forum. This forum was (and is) the main source of inspiration.
Also, special thanks to the Enthuware developers, who created so amazing simulator for such an affordable price! You are the best, I'll definitely decided to stay with your product for SCBCD preparation, keep up the good work!
With best regards,