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What would you like to do with your mobile?

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Just a fun & serious question - which of your day-to-day problem would you like to get solved by mobile? It may not be something very big or critical - but any small stuff you'd like to get done with your mobile to give you great convenience! Any wish list?

- Manish
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That interests me too. I'm planning to get rich with iPhone Apps
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An inbuilt complier/JVM to quickly check my Java basics doubts/codes
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I would love to find a mobile phone that lets me contact others and communicate with them by speaking into it, and have them be able to speak back to me. To date, I have not found a mobile that does this well.
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Call !!!
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1) Laser beam
2) X Ray view
3) Parachute
4) Beer
To do a great right, do a little wrong - shakepeare. twisted little ad:
a bit of art, as a gift, that will fit in a stocking

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