Hi, I have searched all over google looking for this answer. I am using
Struts 1.2 and I have a handful of select boxes in my
jsp page that will not all be filled in at once. I am looking for a way to pass back the strings in the select boxes to the ActionForm in order to be able to display it in the jsp page without refilling it in from the database nor saving it as a session attribute.
I have tried to use the data coming into the jsp page as a: Vector, List,
String[], and an ArrayList. I am trying to use an iterate over the list and the html:hidden tag to force it back to the action form each time. This works with an actual object with individual fields like: name, address, city. But I cannot get it to work for an array of Strings like Dan, Emily, John.
I fill in the first selection box indList. Upon selecting a selection in the box, I go perform an action and fill in the other selection boxes and return the same action form with the same jsp page where I had hidden the indList in hopes it would return too. Instead, the indList is now blank, the other lists have been populated.
here is a snippet of my code, this time trying to use a Vector:
Any help is appreciated.