My Thoughts :
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.
Mohammed Yousuff wrote:in my product, their are two classes in two different PROJECT with the Same Class name & package name.
Is there any way where we can have two classes can be loaded into the server with any issues???
Pat Farrell wrote:Change one of the package names, add a subdirectory or something to make it unique.
Rahul.p Kumar wrote:What if he is using jar files or has no direct access to those classes. Changing in existing directory structures, may affect other programs and more changes need to be done then.
Pat Farrell wrote:If they are external jar files, shame on the vendor for using duplicate names.
Rahul.p Kumar wrote:Why shame? They are two different projects and may have same name by coincident or incident.
Pat Farrell wrote:
If you are too lazy to do that, you deserve to be publicly shamed.
Rahul.p Kumar wrote:It is not matter of too lazy . Think about same company two projects, two teams and a coincident.
Mike Simmons wrote:... managed to register the domain first, and that was that...Yes, in rare cases, coincidences may happen. But they need to get resolved.
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