I have one portlet with a button. When I click on the button I want to hide the second Portlet.
I'm using IBM websphere portal
I have tried to use an application object and a visibility rule with my application object, but my problem with that is I think is not possible to change the value of the property of the application object at runtimme. In my portlet I create a new instance of the application object and set the new value to the property, but the visibilit rule don't change the result of the condition. I think this is because the visibility rule can't access the portlet session at runtimme.
Another solution I have tried is to use a request attribute instead of application object but this only works If i set the request attribute in the Default.jsp (this is a
jsp of the Portal Theme) and here I can't change this value at runtime.
Another solution I have tried is to use s request parameter but it doesn't work I think because there is a bug with my version of portal. I have found a fix named PK60107
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27008899#6013 but the lonk doesn't work for the moment.
I have also read this post
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=247917 where they talk about cooperative portlets but In my visibility rule the property never appears.
My final solution is to use a white jsp but I think it's better to try with visibility rules, but I don't find the solution.
Thanks in advance.